Sunday, May 22, 2011

School Year Nearly Finished

Well, this week marks the last week of full day classes for our district. We'll have Memorial Day off and then three half days and the school year is over. It's a bit sad because I'll miss my little friends, some from both schools I work at.

Our district is in a budget crisis and tomorrow is the day teachers need to have their signed contracts back to principals. I've already heard of a few changes for the upcoming school year and the more I hear it does not look promising for me to find a job. I'm amazed at the number of districts and schools I've applied to in the last two years as I try to find a full-time teaching position. It is getting seriously frustrating, but it helps tremendously to know that I have been able to get tutoring and subbing jobs at my favorite elementary school the last couple years!

Any tips on how to find a job in this economy?

The one good thing about "summer vacation" coming soon is that I will have more time to devote to my masters degree. I have about a year left and really hope that I will have a job by then so I can put all this learning to good use!

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